At Parkside Academy, we see Maths as an essential part of our children’s lives.  It introduces children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life, it supports learning across the curriculum and it equips children with the skills they need in life beyond school.


We encourage our children to love Maths and become confident mathematicians. We provide high quality, fun maths experiences that give our children a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to solve problems, see patterns, use logical reasoning and suggest solutions.


White Rose Maths

We use ‘White Rose Maths’ to plan our curriculum because it best reflects our approach to teaching and learning through:

  • Small progressive steps
  • Reinforcement and repetition
  • A ‘concrete, pictorial, abstract’ approach
  • Teaching very specific skills
  • Integrating reasoning and problem solving into all topics

Mental Recall

Children are expected to learn addition & subtraction facts off by heart, as well as times tables and related division facts from Year 2. 


We use fun games to help them do this in school and at home:


All children have their own log in details for TTRockstars & Numbots